Wednesday, March 30, 2011

As some of you may have heard, I am going on a two week mission trip to Uganda from April 4th-16th.

God has laid a burden on my heart for the orphaned, widowed, and those less fortunate in a land over 9,000 miles away.

God has called me, to simply love. He asked that I show love without reservation, without thinking, without hesitation, to a people that I know very little about.

Our group of 20 women from around the globe will be working in 7 different orphanages, feeding the handicapped, loving on the unloved, but most of all telling tiny treasures that Jesus hasn’t forgotten about them.

He knows their names and knows exactly where they’re at, at every moment in time, and we feel honored to be His messengers.

I thank you in advance for your prayers and also the donations that have been given as our team sets out on this amazing adventure in just 4 short days.

There are 2.5 million orphans in Uganda, over a million of whom are a direct result of AIDS. That’s roughly 1 in 6 children under the age of 17 that are orphans..

Can you imagine?

Deep in the heart of Uganda are places where some of these abandoned, unloved, and neglected children are kept. Some are lucky enough to be in an orphanage. Some are left on the streets, as young as babies, to fend for themselves.

Imagine your child in these conditions. Being a mother, my heart aches for those tiny blessings that have never experienced being tucked in a night, 3 meals a day, or the opportunity to learn about the love of Jesus.

Where He leads me, I must follow!

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

I welcome you to follow my journey at

Miss Bambi

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